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1951-JUN-23: They stated that female circumcision is desirable because it curbs "nature" (i.e. sexual drive among women). It stated that medical concerns over the practice are irrelevant. 1981-JAN-29: The Great Sheikh of Al-Azhar (the most famous University of the Islamic World) stated that parents must follow the lessons of Mohammed and not listen to medical authorities because the latter often change their minds. Parents must do their duty and have their daughters circumcised.Reference Male, or penile, circumcision is quite another issue. There is quite a lot of hubbub circulating at the present time by those who believe this practice is also barbaric. In my opinion, it's about on the par with piercing a baby girl's ears as far as barbarism goes. It is simply a fact that males with a foreskin suffer many diseases and conditions not suffered by circumcised males. There is even a movement afoot to circumcise African males in an attempt to stem the rampant AIDS epidemic there. There are many who feel that the bearers of "uncut" (sometimes referred to as "Anteater" or "Elephant Trunk") penises experience a more satisfying sex life. Reference When I was a young boy in the 1940's and 50's, a long time ago, the world was very different. In those days we boys often trudged to the local swimming pond and swam in the nude. No one thought anything about being "cut" or "uncut." No one was ashamed of their penises, or really thought anything about it being large or small. I remember many times when walking the tracks at the outskirts of our small New England town, stopping to relieve ourselves off the trestle which spanned the river. We'd just "whip it out" so to speak, and let fly. I even remember, for lack of anything else to do, actually having pissing contests (yeah, they are a real thing, kiddos) to see who could piss farthest across the street. Yep, no lie. Now for the point. I especially remember two of my best buddies, who were uncircumcised, who would just let fly without pulling back their foreskins. I remember being mildly curious about that and thinking that their penises must surely have been a little wet and smelly most of the time. Allow me to digress. I would also like to state that the boys' room in our school had a long metal trough where we all stood side by side to relieve ourselves. Today that doesn't exist. Boys have been made to feel ashamed of their penises and so often times won't even use the urinals provide but instead wait (as in the theater I attend frequently) until a toilet is available so they have a door to hide behind simply to urinate. It may seem strange to you that I should mention this, but you have no idea how absolutely bizarre that behavior seems to me; it is proof of my belief that there is something very wrong about the way boys are raised and how they're taught to think about their bodies. Circumcision avoids the odorous or harmful buildup of smegma ("Head Cheese"), and those opposed to circumcision often cite the usefulness of smegma, which generally does not accumulate following circumcision. It is my contention that parents do not sufficiently train their boys to practice genital hygiene, nor do they assist their boys in retracting the prepuce (foreskin) when urinating, a practice which they don't normally do on their own until well after 5 years of age, and then only if they've been taught to do so. Hey, did you know that smegma is one of the most popular words searched for on the Internet?Reference Did you know that the word "Piss" is biblical, and of course no word in the Bible can be bad, right?
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