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Alien Invasion
View this tape as shown on Lou Dobbs. House Minority Leader Congressman John Boehner literally calls this piece of legislation
working its way through a "piece of shit." Among other provisions, the new "Z Visas" will provide:
1. All illegals legal status after 24 hours even without a complete background check
2. Immigration attorneys to represent all illegal aliens paid for by taxpayers
3. Permanent temporary visas (cane renewed indefinitely, ahead of those who prefer to enter the legal way)
4. Amnesty for Gang members
5. Sufficient funds to Mexico to provide health care for Mexicans as an incentive to stay in their own country
6. Forgiveness for any and all back taxes
7. A 200 mile border fence rather than the 700 mile fence (which also promises never to be built)
8. Tuition for all illegals (a benefit denied American citizens)
9. Amnesty for all illegal aliens who were ordered deported
10. Courts dealing with illegal issues to shut down to deal with any illegals applying
11. Learning English not required until the 9th year in-country
12. Eligibility for earned income tax credit--without paying back taxes
And you thought the war was costly. It pays to be an undocumented foreign criminal in the U.S.
This video can be downloaded to your computer as a .wmv file
Click here view Amnesty Bill a dangerous bill for our country
and take a look at this video at the Heritage Foundation site about the tremendous cost of low skilled illegal workers
Cost of Low Skilled Workers